[ 48 ] The Popliteus Bypass provides superior biomechanical properties compared to the Larson technique in the reconstruction of combined posterolateral corner and posterior cruciate ligament injury

Tobias Drenck, Achim Preiss, Christoph Domnick, Mirco Herbort, Jannik Frings, Ralph Akoto, Matthias Krause, Karl-Heinz Frosch

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, May 2020
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-020-05987-6
2020 [ 2 ]

[ 47 ] Lipoma arborenscens - Seltene Differentialdiagnose bei Gelenkschwellungen - Fallpräsentation und aktuelle Literaturübersicht

Theermann R., Ohlmeier M., Hartwig CH., Wolff M, Krenn V., Liewen C., Gehrke T., Citak M.

DOI: 10.1055/a-0997-6959
2020 [ 1 ]

[ 46 ] The "Apple-Bite-Fracture": ACL rupture combined with posterolateral tibia plateau fracture

Leif Menzdorf, Tobias Drenck, Achim Preiss, Ralph Akoto, Matthias Krause, Karl-Heinz Frosch

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 7(6)(suppl 4) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/2325967119S00241
2019 [ 2 ]

[ 45 ] Patients’ expectations of osteotomies around the knee are high regarding activities of daily living

Leonard Grünwald, Peter Angele, Steffen Schröter, Jörg Dickschas, Jörg Harrer, Stefan Hinterwimmer, Matthias J. Feucht, Achim Preiss, Philipp Minzlaff & Tim Saier

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy volume 27, pages 3022-3031 (2019) 8
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-018-5326-3
2019 [ 1 ]

[ 44 ] Luxationen und Luxationsfrakturen des Kniegelenks

Tobias Claus Drenck, Maximilian Heitmann, Ralph Akoto, Achim Preiss, Jannik Frings, Matthias Krause, Karl-Heinz Frosch

OP Journal 2018
2018 [ 6 ]

[ 43 ] The Popliteus Bypass Graft is biomechanically superior to the isometric Larson Technique for posterolateral instabilities of the knee

Tobias C. Drenck, Christoph Dominik, Achim Preiss, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Mathias von Glahn

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(4)(suppl 2)
DOI: 10.1177/2325967118S00020
2018 [ 5 ]

[ 42] Posterolateral Rotatory Knee Instability - MRI Evaluation of Anatomic Landmarks for Tibial Drill Tunnel Placement in Open and Arthroscopic Popliteus Tendon Reconstruction

Matthias Krause, Tobias Claus Drenck, Ralph Akoto, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Achim Preiss

The journal of knee surgery May 2018
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1666832
2018 [4 ]

[ 41 ] Vordere Kreuzbandruptur im Wachstumsalter Aktuelle operative Verfahren und Techniken

Tobias Claus Drenck, Achim Preiss, Ralph Akoto, Matthias Krause, Karl-Heinz Frosch

Arthroskopie (2018).
DOI: 10.1007/s00142-018-0206-x
2018 [ 3 ]

[ 40 ] Posteromediale Rekonstruktion bei anteromedialer Instabilität

R. Akoto, A. Preiss, J. Höher, L. Alm, K.-H. Frosch

Arthroskopie (2018).
DOI: 10.1007/s00142-018-0204-z
2018 [ 2 ]

[ 39 ] Fracturoscopy: Repositionskontrolle bei komplexen Tibiakopffrakturen

M. Krause, A. Preiss, K.-H. Frosch

Arthroskopie Januar 2018
DOI: 10.1007/s00142-017-0181-7
2018 [ 1 ]

[ 38 ] Are there four tibial plateau columns? Yes there are, as illustrated by a postero-ateral apple-bite fracture. Response to a letter-to-the-editor

Matthias Krause, Leif Menzdorf, Achim Preiss, Karl-Heinz Frosch

International Orthopaedics 42(11), December 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s00264-017-3686-9
2017 [ 2 ]

[ 37 ] Patella height is not altered by descending medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) compared to ascending HTO.

Krause M, Drenck TC, Korthaus A, Preiss A, Frosch KH, Akoto R.

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Apr 17.
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-017-4548-0.
2017 [ 1 ]

[ 36 ] Implantatentfernung nach Frakturversorgung oder Osteotomie am Knie (Tipps und Tricks)

Tobias C. Drenck, Achim Preiss, Ralph Akoto, Karl-Heinz Frosch

OP-Journal 2016; 32(02): 138-144
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-116193
2016 [ 7 ]

[ 35 ] Intra-articular tibial plateau fracture characteristics according to the “Ten segment classification”

Matthias Krause M, Preiss A, Müller G, Madert J, Fehske K, Neumann MV, Domnick C, Raschke M, Südkamp N, Frosch KH

Injury 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2016.09.014
2016 [ 6 ]

[ 34 ] Ligamentäre Kniegelenkverletzungen im Wachstumsalter

T. C. Drenck, R. Akoto, N. M. Meenen, M. Heitmann, A. Preiss, K.- H. Frosch

Unfallchirurg (2016) 119: 581.
2016 [ 5 ]

[ 33 ] Operative Versorgung der vorderen Kreuzbandruptur im Wachstumsalter mit autologen Beugesehnen

T.C. Drenck, R. Akoto, N.M. Meenen, M. Heitmann, A. Preiss, K.-H. Frosch

Unfallchirurg (2016) 119: 598. DOI:10.1007/s00113-016-0201-5
2016 [ 4 ]

[ 32 ] "Modified Adductor Sling Technique"- a surgical therapy for patellar instability in children and adolescents

Lena Alm, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Achim Preiss, Maximilian Heitmann, Ralph Akoto

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 4(3 Suppl), March 2016
DOI: 10.1177/2325967116S00034
2016 [ 3 ]

[ 31 ] Klinische Ergebnisse des arthroskopischen “Popliteus Bypass Graft” im Vergleich zur extraanatomischen Larson-Technik bei posterolateraler Rotationsinstabilität des Kniegelenks

Tobias Drenck, Achim Preiss, Ralph Akoto, Maximilian Heitmann, Mirco Herbert,Christoph Dominik, Karl-Heinz Frosch

Sport-Orthopädie - Sport-Traumatologie - Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 32(2):218, June 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.orthtr.2016.03.043
2016 [ 2 ]

[ 31 ] 'Fracturoscopy' is superior to fluoroscopy in the articular reconstruction of complex tibial plateau fractures - an arthroscopy assisted fracture reduction technique

Krause M, Preiss A, Meenen N, Madert J, Frosch KH

Journal of orthopaedic trauma March 2016 DOI:10.1097/BOT0000000000000569
2016 [ 1 ]

[ 29 ] Arthroscopic popliteus bypass graft for posterolateral instabilities of the knee

Frosch KH, Akoto R, Drenck TC, Heitmann M, Pahl C, Preiss A

Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie 28(3), 12/2015
DOI: 10.1007/s00064-015-0432-6
2015 [ 2 ]

[ 28 ] Patellofemorale Instabilität: Achsen- und Torsionskorrekturen

Frosch KH, Akoto R, Heitmann M, Preiss A

Arthroskopie 08/2015; 28(3):194-201.
2015 [ 1 ]

[ 27 ] Medial instability. Anatomy, biomechanics and diagnosis

R. Akoto, M. Heitmann, A. Preiss, K.-H. Frosch

Arthroskopie 07/2014 · 27(3):189–197,
DOI: 10.1007/s00142-014-0818-8
2014 [ 5 ]

[ 26 ] Arthroscopically assisted fracture fixation of the knee joint

M. Krause, E. Enderle, R. Akoto, A. Preiss, K.-H. Frosch

Arthroskopie 2014 · 27:291–298 ,
DOI: 10.1007/s00142-013-0801-9 German [Epub 27.09.2014]
2014 [ 6 ]

[ 25 ] Ligament bracing - augmented cruciate ligament sutures: Biomechanical studies of a new treatment concept.

Heitmann M, Dratzidis A, Jagodzinski M, Wohlmuth P, Hurschler C, Püschel K, Giannakos A, Preiss A, Frosch KH.

Unfallchirurg. 2014 Jun 5. [Epub ahead of print] German.
PMID: 24893725
2014 [ 4 ]

[ 24 ] Arthroscopic reconstruction of the popliteus complex: accuracy and reproducibility of a new surgical technique.

Frosch KH, Akoto R, Maximilian H, Enderle E, Giannakos A, Preiss A.

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 24752538
2014 [ 3 ]

[ 23 ] Ligament bracing-augmented primary suture repair in multiligamentous knee injuries.

Heitmann M, Gerau M, Hötzel J, Giannakos A, Frosch KH, Preiss A.

Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2014 Feb;26(1):19-29.
DOI: 10.1007/s00064-013-0263-2. German.
PubMed PMID: 24553686.
2014 [ 2 ]

[ 22 ] Knee injuries in children and adolescents

J. Hoetzel, A. Preiss, M. A. Heitmann, K.-H. Frosch

European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Volume 40, issue 1 (February 2014), p. 23 – 36.
DOI: 10.1007/s00068-013-0339-6
2014 [ 1 ]

[ 21 ] Arthroskopische Gelenkrekonstruktion – hinteres Kreuzband und posterolaterale Ecke

Achim Preiss, Max Heitmann, Jörg Hoetzel, Karl-Heinz Frosch

OP-JOURNAL 2013; 29(3): 221-227
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0033-1360153
2013 [ 4 ]

[ 20 ] Knieverletzungen im Wachstumsalter - Vordere Kreuzbandruptur

K.-H. Frosch, A. Preiss

Trauma Berufskrankh 2013 · 15:52–58
DOI: 10.1007/s10039-012-1878-5
2013 [ 3 ]

[ 19 ] Primary ligament sutures as a treatment option of knee dislocations: a meta-analysis.

Frosch KH, Preiss A, Heider S, Stengel D, Wohlmuth P, Hoffmann MF, Lill H. Knee Surg

Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Jul;21(7):1502-9.
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[ 18 ] Acute medial collateral ligament injuries of the knee: diagnostics and therapy.

Heitmann M, Preiss A, Giannakos A, Frosch KH.

Unfallchirurg. 2013 Jun;116(6):497-503.
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[ 17 ] Probleme und Komplikationen nach vorderer Kreuzbandplastik im Wachstumsalter

Frosch KH, Preiss A, Giannakos A

Arthroskopie 2012;25(4):260-265
2012 [ 6 ]

[ 16 ] Entwicklung einer Kondylendysplasie nach Meniskusresektion beim Kind

Heitmann MA, Meenen NM, Preiss A, Frosch KH

Arthroskopie 2012;25(4):285-290
2012 [ 5 ]

[ 15 ] Minimally invasive augmentation of the medial collateral ligament with autologous hamstring tendons in chronic knee instability.

Preiss A, Giannakos A, Frosch KH.

Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2012 Sep;24(4-5):335-47.
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[ 14 ] Treatment of bony avulsions of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) by a minimally invasive dorsal approach.

Frosch K-, Proksch N, Preiss A, Giannakos A.

Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2012 Sep;24(4-5):348-53.
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[ 13 ] Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in growing children: surgical or conservative treatment? A systematic review.

Preiss A, Brodhun T, Stietencron I, Frosch KH.

Unfallchirurg. 2012 Sep;115(9):848-54.
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[ 12 ] Klinische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von porösen Biomaterialien im Knochengewebe.

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